Friday 3 September 2010

Toadally Yours

I am compelled to share more about our froggy friends. Remember the tadpoles we rescued from the drying ponds ? I counted 80 ! We have them living out of a motley of containers on our balcony. The smallest yogurt cup is the sick bay. Those found to be unwell - in my humble opinion i.e. looking lethargic, floating on their backs / sides, are isolated to recuperate lest their siblings turn carnivorous on them. I am proud to say  our recovery rate is 100%.
Froggy living quarters
I must also share that we lost 10+ for unknown reasons. Their little bodies were found floating belly up. It was heart-wrenching for me to fish them out and discard them. I did the former and got the resident undertaker to lay them to rest. He did - in the toilet bowl!

On a happier note, 31 Aug 2010 was Hari Merdeka for 21 of our froggy friends. That morning, before the rains from the tropical storm Namtheun hit, we took them back to the park where we found them. Getting them there was a challenge. To the bewilderment of my mother in law, I threw a terry cloth diaper over the basin, tied it in place with a rope and marched the kids out of the house with the basin of frogs under one arm. We released our wards on a pile of rotting leaves under some trees. I hope they enjoyed the day long drizzle (it would have kept their skins nice and moist) and I trust they have found lovely new homes.

My sentimental son was sad to see them go. He has been putting his hand in the basin trying to get the frogs to jump onto his hand. He wants a t-shirt that says "I keep frogs".

Saying good bye

Tomorrow, another 15 should be ready to go. Come to think of it, I would like a t-shirt too.

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